Thursday, January 26, 2012

IMQG January 2012 Challenge

Cathedral Windows Quilt

IMQG stands for India Modern Quilt Guild on Facebook.
January's Quilt Challenge rules were as follows:

Shruti's post on IndiaMQG:
Here's your January Challenge :
Make something using ONLY warm colored solids! The item could be anything you want...
Rule #2 : Item should be ready on 26th January 2012
Rule # 3 : Photos of the item should be posted here before the deadline.  You can include more than 1 photo and link up to your blog if you have written a post about it.
I'll try to rope in a judge for every month from the other modern quilt guilds...
good luck girls!

I can't believe this was done on time!  Here it is, 2 projects for January integrated into one quilt.  The center medallion (Asterisk) is my Craftsy Block of the Month for January which I made out of warm colors to satisfy the IMQG January Challenge which requires only warm, solid colors be used in a quilt.
This provides a close-up of the warm colors I used in the quilt.
The very dark (almost black) colors are a deep brown and burgundy.

I've wanted to make a cathedral windows quilt for some time now.  Making the foundation blocks was a pretty tedious process, but once I started applying the windows, it was like popcorn!  I couldn't stop at just one.  I became totally obsessed with the construction until it was all done.  And yes, I will make a bed-size quilt using more cheerful colors in the windows.

This was very satisfying to construct because the sewing and quilting are accomplished in the same step!  And there's no need to bind the quilt.

Thank heavens for the internet because I found the instructions for cathedral windows at


I followed the instructions for A Modern Approach on this website.


  1. deserve a big "WOW"...amazing piece of work..

  2. Love it! Its a good idea to combine two projects in one quilt. Everybody's happy :-)

  3. Thank you and thank you! It was fun to work on, and a little stress in my life at this stage, is a good thing!


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