Sunday, January 8, 2012

Craftsy Block of the Month

Asterisk & Slashed Blocks

I've just completed Craftsy's BOM for January. 

Two of my quilting New Year resolutions were to ferret out fabrics for new projects from my stash and to try making non-traditional quilts for a change.  Both of these have now been satisfied, by joining the Craftsy' BOM course.

I had fun working on the two blocks for January. 
January's Block 1 is the Asterisk block.
This one looks too much like the Swiss flag.

I like this one better.

January's Block 2 is the Slashed block.

Give it a try!  It's free!


  1. Wow Chumki! That's great. I'm doing it too. Will need to go out to new market tomorrow and get some fabrics first!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You'll get a kick out of it because the 'slash and sew' technique is, from what I've noticed from your work, right up your alley. I found it to be very liberating since traditional quilts (lots of seams to match up) have been my norm. Have fun!


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