
Monday, November 19, 2012

Sandy Quilt Block Drive - In the Beginning

A block made following Quilting Gallery's Tutorial
Wonky Scrappy Log Cabin Quilt Block

The Quilting Gallery needs help with their first ever Quilt Block Drive for victims of  super storm Sandy.  I volunteered to make 10 blocks for the Sandy Quilt Block Drive.

They've provided a great tutorial for the Wonky Scrappy Log Cabin Quilt Block, a sample block of which is pictured above.

So I got organized and pulled out all the strips I've collected over the years. Each strip should measure between 0.75" and 2".

Strips from my stash
Washed and ironed several more fat quarters, also from my stash.

Fat Quarters at the ready
Cut more strips.

And began organizing my work area.  Placed the instructions in a visible location away from all the activity.

Instructions from Tutorial without pictures
Set up my cutting table with ruler and rotary cutter.

Cutting Station
Turned the iron on high.

Ironing Station
Readied the sewing machine.

Sewing Station
And began chain piecing the first two 1-1/2" squares.

Chain piecing center of block
They were pressed open and away from the center.  The third strip was then added.

Chain piecing the third strip
The sewn seams were pressed in place.

Pressing sewn seams prior to trimming
The blocks were then trimmed even with the top and bottom of the block.

Blocks are trimmed
And pressed open.

Pressed open
And so the process continued of chain piecing, pressing, trimming and pressing. And pretty soon the sewing area looked pretty messy.

Time to clean up!
My blocks (14 in all) currently measure 6-1/2" square.  They're supposed to finish at around 11.5" without borders and finish at between 13" to 14.5" after a 2" border is sewn on all four sides of each block.  So I'm at the halfway point.

Hope to get them done by tomorrow evening so I can mail them on Tuesday.  Here is a preview of what my blocks look like on the design wall.

I love quilting!  And I love quilting even more when it's for such a good cause!


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