
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Self-Binding Fleece Baby Quilt

Measures 35" square

A very productive weekend produced this darling baby quilt made from two pieces of fleece. It's soft and smooth and very comforting.

Shopping for anything at JoAnn Fabric & Crafts is double the fun when their 40% or 50% off coupons are used. I purchased 2 yards of fleece in each of these two patterns and watched Jenny Doan's video tutorial called The Self Binding Baby Quilt several times until I understood how to make this quilt.

It took me longer than 10 minutes to construct because cutting the fleece to the desired lengths was challenging for me. Following the instructions, I cut the plain fleece 30 inches square which was easy enough because I had a 15" square ruler. However, cutting the polka dot fleece 40 inches square was more challenging. The next time I make one of these, I will have them cut the pieces at the shop, although it costs more to make more than 1 cut at the cutting counter.

Front of Self-Binding Fleece Quilt
Once the pieces of fleece were cut, it was very easy to assemble. The two pieces of fleece were centered right sides together with a pin marking the center of each of the four sides of both fabrics. They were then pinned together from the center to end of the smaller fabric on all four sides. It looked funny when it was pinned because of the excess fabric that protruded at each of the four corners, but not to worry because that's exactly how it should look.

Back of Self-Binding Fleece Quilt
Then I was ready to sew and that's when I truly fell in love with my Pfaff's quarter-inch foot which has a red line a quarter inch above the needle. This is where I positioned the first corner. Sewing begins exactly 1/4" from the corner as per the instructions and using the 2nd red line below the needle helped me sew up to a 1/4" from the next corner. I began and ended each side by back-stitching to anchor the ends.  Repeating this four times and leaving an 8-10 inch opening, completed most of the sewing. 

The mitered corners were made by folding the quilt sandwich diagonally, placing one end of an acrylic ruler flush with the diagonal edge, scooching up the ruler to meet the last stitch made, drawing a line from the last stitch to the diagonal edge and sewing on this line. Follow the video closely and watch it several times. It's really quite easy to do.

The quilt was turned right side out through the opening and the mitered edges were poked out. The opening was then pinned together and the whole thing was pressed.

Using a long zig-zag stitch, it was quilted on the stitched line, catching both sides of the seam, around all four sides. It was pressed again and I added an extra 1/4" line of sewing along the perimeter of the quilt to stabilize it.

My friend's daughter will, I hope, get a lot of use and comfort out of this very cute quilt.


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