
Monday, June 10, 2013

Blogging Tips: Creating a Collage

An easy-to-use photo collage maker with many beautiful layouts to choose from. Completely online, so no downloads are required and it's FREE! Click on the images to enlarge.

Step 1. Open a window and type the URL >

Step 2. This is the piZap home page. Click on Start >

Step 3. These are the choices of functions in piZap. Click on Make a Collage.

Step 4. Allow the software to load.

Step 5. Take your pick from the many layouts that are available. 

Step 6. This is the layout I chose. Click one of the grey boxes to add a photograph.

 Step 7. Always pick a photo from your hard drive to avoid having to give access to Facebook or other complications. Click on Upload Photo.

Step 8. Pick a photo from a file on the hard drive.

Step 9. The picture is inserted. 

Step 10. Repeat Steps 6 – 9 until all the grey boxes are filled with photos.

Step 11. Save the collage to the hard drive. Click on Save Image.

Step 12. Insert a caption or not, UNCHECK Facebook option, and click on Download.

Step 13. Click on Download.

Step 14. Save the collage to the hard drive. 

Step 15. The download is complete. DO NOT SHARE ON FACEBOOK!
Click on Cancel.

Step 16. Exit piZap by clicking the x at the top of the current window.

All done!


  1. Replies
    1. You're very welcome! I'd been using MS Paint which is so clumsy and non-intuitive, so I was pretty excited when my son pointed me to piZap!
      Thanks for visiting the blog and leaving a comment.
      Happy quilting!


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