
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Arkansas Crossroads - My First Modern Quilt (an update)

First part of this quilt and tutorial.
This is where I'm at with this quilt.  After making ten more of each of the two blocks and adding two more rows to the length, it now measures 47.5" x 66.5" (unfinished).  By adding a 5" border on all sides, it should make a comfortable lap quilt that will finish at approximately 60" x 80".

It was a square 47.5" before the two rows were added. This used 48 black and white 5" squares from one charm pack of 50 squares. The order for a second pack of charm squares took forever to get here. Lesson learned: always purchase more than you need!

This is going to be gifted to my eldest son and since it will get a lot of rough use, I've decided to back it with a no-pill, durable fleece. Now the dilemma is whether to piece the whole top together, back it with fleece and then quilt the whole quilt at once or cut the fleece the width and length of one strip, and QAYG (quilt as you go) the quilt in sections.

I'll leave that decision for another day!  For right now, I'm going to sew each of the 5 columns together in preparation for the next step.

Cheers, everyone!
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  1. Hi, Thanks for adding your blog to my linky party, please remember to add the 'button' to your blog.

    1. I added your button to the sidebar and will add it to the bottom of this post, also, Marelize!


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