
Monday, April 23, 2012

Hurray! I've Been Awarded The Liebster Blog Award!

Celebrations are in order!  Thank you, Rashida Khanbhai, for awarding my blog the Liebster Blog Award.  I very much appreciate all the encouragement I receive from my fellow bloggers.  

The Liebster Blog Award (German for favorite) is for bloggers with 200 followers or less. As a recipient of the award, I now have the chance to thank and link back to the blogger who gave it to me as well as pass it along to five other deserving blogs.

The rules of engagement for this award are to:
·                     Thank the person who gave you this award and link back to them.
·                     Give the award to five other bloggers.
·                     Let them know via a comment on their blog.
·                     Post the award on your blog. 

I started quilting in 1991 and have made a number of traditional quilts in the last 20+ years.  Recently, my sister got me involved in the India Modern Quilt Guild which dragged me out of a rut and sent me on my way to the discovery of modern quilting.   I have not looked back since then.  I am a retired IT professional but it had not occurred to me that blogging was the way to go to share my work and techniques with other quilters.  This has opened up a whole new avenue to put to work all the skills I had been building during my working life.   Three useful interests have been ignited by joining the IMQG - my interest in quilting was revived, spurred by the monthly challenges and charity block of the month; my blogging skills are improving as I try to keep my blog updated; and I’ve learned to use my digital camera to document the progress of my quilts.  To learn more about the India Modern Quilt Guild, visit its blog

I award the Liebster Blog Award to:
·                     Shilpa Mirasdar at My Stitches
·                     Pearlin Jacob at   Knottyville
·                     Sandhya Karandikar at Pans & Needles
·                     Brinda Crishna at Moments of Quiet: Embroidering My Tale
·                     Carol Shatananda at Happy Turtle

Congratulations to all the new recipients of the Liebster Blog Award!


Thanks for stopping by. I love to hear from all of you, so please feel free to leave a comment.

If you have a question I'll reply to your comment. If you prefer an email response, please mention that and make sure your blogger profile is linked to your e-mail, otherwise I won't be able to e-mail you back.

Please note that any and all comments posted by 'Anonymous' persons are deleted without exception as a means of nuisance abatement.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting on this post.
