
Saturday, March 10, 2012

IMQG March Challenge - Bonus Project

Star Windows Mug Rugs

For the IMQG March Challenge, I was able to make three thread catchers from two fat quarters and was left with an 8" by 22" strip of the two fabrics.

Cathedral Windows is a favourite pattern of mine.  A member of Craftsy recently sent me a pattern for Star Windows which uses a similar technique.  I decided to experiment with this pattern, so I made templates for the window and pane.

A clearer picture of the two templates
Pane template on left, window template on right

The templates were traced onto the wrong side of the solid fabric (three times), the two fabrics were placed RSF (right sides facing) and sewn by machine.

After the first one was sewn, I discovered that the patterned fabric was facing the wrong way.  Thank heavens I noticed it before all three were done!  It had to be taken apart, re-layered and sewn again.

Oops...fabrics are facing the wrong way 
The windows were sewn all the way around for a reason.  After deciding where the opening should be, I marked the area with two pins and back-stitched at the pins and sewed across the opening.  This was so that the flaps for the opening could be pressed apart to make it easier to sew after turning it right side out.

The solid fabric was pressed away from the seam
Same for the patterned fabric

The opening was taken apart after pressing, turned right side out and pressed.  Using the hexagon or pane template, the petals were turned down and sewn in place creating three Star Windows.

I plan to make a king size quilt (108" by 108") of this pattern one of these days, using black fabric for the background or windows and Kona bright solids for the interior panes.  This is how the Star Windows would be assembled.

Two side by side
The third inset between the first two
From point to point each of these units measures 5 inches.  These are the first mug rugs I've made.


  1. it's beautiful Chumkie...and thanks for the step by step tutorial..might try it one day :)

  2. I love the mug rugs and thanks for the tutorial for's beautiful!

  3. Thank you! I love being a part of IMQG because it's given me an avenue for trying all the techniques out there for which there was never any time to experiment.


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